International Journal of Applied Chemical and Biological Sciences

ISSN: 2582-788X (Online)

International Journal of Applied Chemical and Biological Sciences
Home Archive Volume 2 - Issue 5 Sensory properties of complementary food formulated from blends of Sweet Potato, Soybean and Carrot flour

Volume 2   Issue 5

Research Article

Sensory properties of complementary food formulated from blends of Sweet Potato, Soybean and Carrot flour

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The sensory properties of complementary food formulated from sweet potatoes, carrots and soya bean were determined in this study. Three (3) blends of composite flours which are made up of sweet potato, carrot and soybean were formulated at different proportions, and the flours blends were produced into complementary foods with different formulation as follows: 40% sweet potato, 30% carrot and 30% soybean (PS1), 50% sweet potato, 30% carrot and 20% soybean (PS2), 60% sweet potato, 20% carrot and 20% soybean (PS3), 70% sweet potato, 20% carrot and 10% soybean (PS4) and 80% sweet potato, 10% carrot and 10% soybean (PS3). The most preferred formulated sample (PS3) which was obtained through sensory evaluation had the mean scores of 7.80 for colour, 8.10 for taste, 7.60 for texture, 8.30 for flavour and 7.95 for overall acceptability while sample (PS1) had the least mean score from all the samples. However, all the samples could be said to be generally accepted by the panellist because there were no significant difference (p<0.5) between the scores obtained from all the samples. The findings of this study has shown that acceptable complementary food of good sensory and nutritional properties can be obtained from blends of potato, soybeans and carrot and the formulated complementary food can support in reducing poor growth and malnutrition among infants and children.

Keywords: composite flour, sweet potatoes, carrot, soya beans, sensory evaluation