International Journal of Applied Chemical and Biological Sciences

ISSN: 2582-788X (Online)

International Journal of Applied Chemical and Biological Sciences
Home Archive Volume 3 - Issue 4 Evaluating the health implication of different packaged water produced in Aviele, Nigeria

Volume 3   Issue 4

Research Article

Evaluating the health implication of different packaged water produced in Aviele, Nigeria

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The scientific research technique was used in this project’s research design. This study looked at the physical, chemical, and microbiological aspects of sachet water produced by multiple companies in Aviele, Edo State, Nigeria. The results were compared to the WHO water quality guideline to see if they were portable and safe to consume. As a result, three distinct types of sachet water samples, marked A, B, and C were collected and analyzed for physical, chemical, and microbiological parameters. pH, conductivity, Total Dissolved Solids, BOD, Chemical Oxygen Demand (C.O.D), Sulfate, chloride, and Iron were among the characteristics investigated. The results revealed that the pH values for samples A-C were in the range of 7.87-7.40. Total dissolved solids ranged at 42mg/l, 48mg/l and 32 mg/l in samples A-C, conductivity was between 0.47 uS/cm to 1.49uS/cm, and chloride levels were between 10 mg/l to 12mg/l. Hardness levels ranged from 60 to 124 mg/l, whereas biological oxygen demand (BOD) levels ranged from 0.98 to 2.46 mg/l. Chemical oxygen demand (COD) was measured between 13 to 27 mg/l, while dissolved oxygen (DO) was measured between 7.45 to 10.23 mg/l. No coliforms were linked in any of the samples. The samples were sufficient overall, although they fell short in some areas, like magnesium, according to the data. Nevertheless, they still met the necessary W.H.O criteria.


Keywords: Packaged water, Aviele, Quality of water, Physical analysis, Chemical analysis