Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied and Basics Subjects

ISSN: 2583-052X

Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied and Basics Subjects
Home Archive Volume 1 - Issue 6 Journey toward the success of hospitality professional’s on-the-job training lived experiences: A phenomenology

Volume 1   Issue 6

Research Article

Journey toward the success of hospitality professional’s on-the-job training lived experiences: A phenomenology


On-the-Job training abroad allows acquiring practical knowledge and skills in a recognized foreign host establishment. It promotes the global competitiveness of students through exposure and acculturation in a foreign country. This study aimed to know the experiences and sacrifices of hospitality professionals, their view towards the On-the-Job-Training program, the impact on their present career, and how the training helps them become successful hospitality professionals and determine the effect and significant mark in their current profession. After a one-on-one thorough interview and analysis of a transcribed audio recording of participants, it was observed that there was a common experience during their On-the-Job Training. Eight themes emerged from the study; these are Sacrifice, Independent Individual, experiential learning, cultural adaptation and appreciation, career opportunity, good communication and leadership skills, self-confidence, and motivated to work because of family. Each theme was quoted by the participants and was carefully discussed and interpreted by the researchers. Likewise, this study will give better insights, understanding, and motivation to the different fields of specializations, school administrators, and curriculum planners on the importance of on-the-job training in the program and curriculum, especially for those planning to pursue hospitality studies.

Keywords: Hotel and Restaurant Management, hospitality professional, on-the-job training, phenomenology, Philippines