Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied and Basics Subjects

ISSN: 2583-052X

Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied and Basics Subjects
Home Archive Volume 1 - Issue 6 Factors influencing the performance of students in mathematics subject in the Bhutanese school education system

Volume 1   Issue 6

Research Article

Factors influencing the performance of students in mathematics subject in the Bhutanese school education system


Mathematics is a compulsory subject in the Bhutanese education system and is a prerequisite subject to study science and business studies in the tertiary institutions. Low achievements in mathematics are a concern for the Bhutanese School Educational System. The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors responsible for the students’ poor achievement in mathematics in the Bhutanese Secondary level Schools. The study revealed factors such as teachers’ characteristics, curriculum design, lack of parental support and learners’ perceptions towards subject are attributing to students’ poor performance in the mathematics subject. It posits greater risk of prolonging the current declining trend of mathematics education if necessary interventions and innovative tools are not put in place. Therefore, the present study posits the collaboration as a rich and powerful learning space, where involvement of government policy makers, ministry of education as implementer, academic, teacher educators, and other educational stakeholders come together with different expertise that are conducive to the preparation of teachers and students for the 21st century education system.

Keywords: Bhutanese education system, Mathematics, learning space, Royal Government of Bhutan