Educational Research and Comparison of Basic and Applied Research

By Uzma Ayaz 5min February 4, 2021

Research is a combination of both experience and reasoning and must be regarded as the most successful approach to the discovery of truth. Educational research can be defined as a ‘purposeful and systematic’ enquiry ‘to solve a problem, illuminate a situation or add to our knowledge.

  1. Educational research attempts to solve problems.
  2. Research involves gathering new data from primary or first-hand sources. It can also be done by using existing data for a new purpose.
  3. Research is based upon observable experience/empirical evidence.
  4. Research demands accurate observation and description.
  5. Research generally employs carefully designed procedures and rigorous analysis.
  6. Research emphasizes the development of generalizations, principles and theories which will help in understanding, prediction and/or control.
  7. Research requires expertise—familiarity with the field. The competence in methodology; technical skill in collecting and analyzing the data.
  8. Research attempts to find an objective, unbiased solution to the problem and takes great pains to validate the procedures employed.
  9. Research is a deliberate and unhurried activity which is directional. But often refines the problem or questions as the research progresses.
  10. Research is carefully recorded and reported to other persons interested in the problem
Sr. noBasic (Academic) ResearchApplied (Contract) Research
1Is sponsored by an agency committed to the general advancement of knowledge.Is sponsored by an agency with a vested interest in the results.
2Results are the property of society and the research community.Results become the property of the sponsor.
3Research reports are targeted to other specialized researchers in the same field.       Research reports are intended to be read and understood by lay persons
4Decision-rules relate to theoretically-based tests of statistical significance.Decision-rules relate to predetermined conventions and agreements between the sponsor and the researcher.  
5Academic research is typically focused on a single set of testable hypotheses.Contract research frequently analyzes the consequences of alternative policy options.
6Academic research tends to extend an identifiable scholarly discipline.By its nature, contract research tends to be interdisciplinary.
7The research produces findings and conclusions, butrarely recommendations except those related to further research needsThe research includes applied recommendations for action.
8The conduct of research is based on ‘good faith’ between funder and researcher.The work is contractual between sponsor and researcher.
9Budget allocations are generally based on global proposals and accounting is left to the researchers.Budget accountability is directly related to the sponsor and relates to agreed terms of reference, time frames and methodologies.
10Studies rely on the established reputations of the researchers and are totally under their control.Studies follow explicit terms of reference developed by the sponsor to serve the sponsor’s needs.