ISSN: 2583-052X
Factors affecting the choice of Chartered Accountancy degree among students in developing countries: Evidence from Bangladesh
This article aims at finding the determinants of sustainability of Chartered Accountancy (CA) profession in Bangladesh. It involves simple multiple regression analysis using Stata for determining the nature and extent of relationship between the dependent variable, number of students registered (NSR) and independent variables namely number of students qualified (NQ), cost of registration (CR), expected monthly salary (EMR), allowance paid (AP) by ICAB, per capita GDP (PGDP) and the percentage of government spending on education (GSE) out of total budget. It also shows the test of autocorrelation and descriptive statistics. It uses data for a period of 18 years from 2001 to 2018. It finds that AP, EMR and NQ are significant positive determinants of Number of Students Registered (NSR) over the sample periods. On the other hand, PGDP, CR and GSE are negatively related to NSR but not significantly. Findings of this article suggest that ICAB can increase the amount of allowance and reduce the amount of cost of registration to attract more students in this profession.