Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied and Basics Subjects

ISSN: 2583-052X

Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied and Basics Subjects
Home Archive Volume 1 - Issue 7 Describing environment, health and safety related activities among student organizations in Batstateu and its challenges

Volume 1   Issue 7

Research Article

Describing environment, health and safety related activities among student organizations in Batstateu and its challenges


This paper describes the activities of student organizations, related to environment, health and safety was studied at 10 campuses of Batangas State University (BatStateU). Through interviews, documents and records, it was found that in AY 2018-2019, 40 student organizations conducted activities related to environment, health, safety and others. These organizations conducted 35 environment related and health related activities such as coastal clean-up, tree and mangrove planting, environment information drive on the ecological importance of Verde island passage, anti-illegal drug campaigns, nutrition and food, bloodletting in coordination with Red Cross, health literacy etc. Lastly, only 6 student organization activities focused on safety such as safety awareness seminar, occupational health and safety, earthquake and fire drill, safety awareness on roads, room laboratory and field works. Nine campuses out of 10 were able to target and conduct the said activities for the academic year. Student organizations were encouraged to focus on projects and activities on environment, health and safety. The proposed Environment, Health and Safety Activities which may be adapted by student organizations for AY 2018-2019 were conducted; however, the expected activities failed to reach the maximum target. Challenges include prioritizing academic related and socialization activities; failure to include the targeted activities in the organizations’ plans and; perceived duplication of emergency preparedness and earthquake drills, spearheaded by the University.

Keywords: environment, health, safety related activities, student organizations