Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied and Basics Subjects

ISSN: 2583-052X

Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied and Basics Subjects
Home Archive Volume 4 - Issue 4 A Stylistic Exploration of Loss and Mastery in Elizabeth Bishop’s “One Art”

Volume 4   Issue 4

Research Article

A Stylistic Exploration of Loss and Mastery in Elizabeth Bishop’s “One Art”

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This study presents a comprehensive stylistic analysis of Elizabeth Bishop’s renowned poem, “One Art,” focusing on its lexico-syntactic, phonological, graphological, and morphological elements. Through meticulous examination, this research uncovers how Bishop’s stylistic choices contribute to the thematic depth, emotional resonance, and aesthetic complexity of the work. The lexico-syntactic analysis delves into vocabulary choices and sentence structure, revealing their role in the poem’s exploration of loss and acceptance. The phonological analysis explores sound patterns, including alliteration, assonance, and rhyme, and their enhancement of the poem’s lyrical quality. The graphological analysis investigates the visual presentation, examining how punctuation, lineation, and spatial organization influence reader interpretation. The morphological analysis examines word formation, highlighting how specific word types and their derivatives deepen the thematic exploration. This in-depth analysis reveals the complex stylistic structure of “One Art” and its enduring significance. By offering a comprehensive understanding of Elizabeth Bishop’s innovative approach, this study contributes to the broader field of literary studies and enhances our appreciation of Bishop’s impact on the world of poetry.

Keywords: Elizabeth Bishop, One Art, stylistic analysis, lexico-syntactic analysis, phonological analysis, graphological analysis, morphological analysis, thematic exploration, emotional resonance