Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied and Basics Subjects

ISSN: 2583-052X

Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied and Basics Subjects
Home Archive Volume 1 - Issue 4 A phenomenological study on the battle of students of rural areas from poverty and COVID-19 crisis

Volume 1   Issue 4

Review Article

A phenomenological study on the battle of students of rural areas from poverty and COVID-19 crisis


This qualitative study using a phenomenological approach highlights the lived experiences of students of rural areas in battling poverty just to attain the dreams in life behind the covid-19 crisis. This was conducted to twelve students from the Province of Davao del Sur in the Philippines who encountered such experiences. The participants were invited to share their experiences in battling both poverty and the threat of coronavirus infections. They have reflected these experiences from their own words and statements. In determining the essential themes of the study, significant phases that emerged from the transcripts and comments were identified as thematic statements. As based on the results, the following are presented: in sub problem 1, on the participants’ battle from poverty and COVID-19 crisis, three essential themes were drawn from the transcripts, as follows: Hunger; Boredom; and Fear and Anxiety. Conversely, in sub-problem 2, the participants shared their coping mechanisms applied from the experiences they had encountered. Three essential themes were drawn from the transcripts. These are Building stronger faith and belief; Obeying Government Protocols; and Optimism.

Keywords: Poverty, Rural Areas, Hardship, COVID-19, Students, Philippines