Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied and Basics Subjects

ISSN: 2583-052X

Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied and Basics Subjects
Home Archive Volume 2 - Issue 7 Madhuca longifolia: Ethanobotanical, phytochemical studies, pharmacological aspects with future prospects

Volume 2   Issue 7

Review Article

Madhuca longifolia: Ethanobotanical, phytochemical studies, pharmacological aspects with future prospects

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The aim of this article is to highlight the importance of Madhuca longifolia commonly known as ‘Mahua’. It belongs to the Sapotaceae family, a native tree to the Indian subcontinent. Ancient medicine utilizes several parts of this plant for treating different diseases. A variety of compounds have been isolated from various parts of the plant. Flavonoids, riboflavin, triterpene, niacin, sterol, ascorbic acid, biotin, carotene, folic acid, inositol thiamine, etc are some of the isolated compounds. These compounds have been shown to have a variety of activities. Antibacterial, Antipyretic, Antioxidant, Anticonvulsant, Analgesic and Anticancer activity are a few reported activities. Numerous products obtained from the plant are utilized locally.

Keywords: Anti-oxidant activity, in-vitro studies, Madhuca longifolia, Mahua fats