ISSN: 2583-052X
Kindergarten Pupils’ Affective/Moral Growth: Its Implications to Early Childhood Education
This study analysed the affective or moral growth of Kindergarten pupils and the implications of the findings to early childhood education. Ten Kindergarten pupils were chosen as subjects of this study. They were selected through systematic random procedure. To gather the data needed, the case study was used in the study. To supplement the information gathered, structured and unstructured interview were conducted to the subject pupils and their parents. To protect their identity and the privacy of the subjects, their real names were not used. As regards affective or moral growth, observations showed that some of them showed reverence and respect while praying and in making the sign of the cross; others were observed reluctant in praying. Although some of them knew the sign of the cross and the prayer, yet they were not that participative in spiritual activities. Almost all of them admitted to be regular churchgoers. Good social conduct seemed to be developing in them as well as the values of kindness, caring and generosity. They could also distinguish right from wrong, good from bad, truth from lies. Different emotions such as love or affection, fear, anger, sadness, and happiness were also exhibited by them. Some pupils were observed to be behaved in class; the talkative ones were observed to be courteous in their manner of speaking.