Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied and Basics Subjects

ISSN: 2583-052X

Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied and Basics Subjects
Home Archive Volume 1 - Issue 9 The effect of psychological empowerment on employee performance: Mediating role of psychological ownership

Volume 1   Issue 9

Research Article

The effect of psychological empowerment on employee performance: Mediating role of psychological ownership


Empowerment has paramount contribution in economic development of the business world. An attempt has been made in this study to evaluate and analyse the relationship between psychological empowerment, psychological ownership and Employee performance, to fill the knowledge gap to some extent that has been identified in literature. The research has been meant to figure out whether or not      are generally the  Effect  of  Psychological  Empowerment on Employee Performance with mediating effect of Psychological Ownership” in case this specific relative is present when compared with what types of small amounts empowerment is providing to have an effect on this specific relationship. For this reason the banking sector of Kotli Azad Kashmir has been taken in consideration. The principal information has been gathered by using the questionnaire while extra information has been organized via various sources of materials like eBooks, World Wide Web, journals, and so forth. Based on the leading information gathered the actual analysis has been carried out and the outcomes ended up gathered. The outcomes definitely suggest the actual existence of a good relationship concerning psychological empowerment and psychological ownership. The investigation also shows the actual existence involving primary relationship concerning psychological empowerment as well as employee performance. The main objective of the study is how employee performance effect by psychological empowerment and whether psychological ownership mediates their relationship or not. The study is beneficial for the organizations like banks to implement the core values of empowerment to get better results for their organization from the employees. The research can further be extended to different other sectors by using various other variables.

Keywords: psychological empowerment, psychological ownership employee performance, banking sector, Kotli, Azad Kashmir