Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied and Basics Subjects

ISSN: 2583-052X

Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied and Basics Subjects
Home Archive Volume 1 - Issue 8 Analysing competitor and creating a competitive advantage

Volume 1   Issue 8

Review Article

Analysing competitor and creating a competitive advantage


Businesses aspire to create a distinct identity by creating distinctions in the minds of consumers who have independence of preference in today’s dynamic world, with limited resources. Therefore, not only do businesses pay greater attention to activities to seek to attract their consumers to their own goods, but still devote energy, resources to commitment to hold them committed to their own brands. In a style of a qualitative research, the study aims to describe how to analyse competition and also explore how to create a superior competitive advantage in a dynamic business environment. In addition, the paper exhausts literatures on how to conduct competitor analysis, using SWOT analysis and Porter’s five forces. However, competitive advantage, importance of competitor advantage, types of competitive advantage and the rest of it to mention but a few were discussed. The paper recommends that more work should be carried out quantitatively on the subject matter.

Keywords: Competitor analysis, competitive advantage, Porter’s five forces, SWOT analysis