ICTP Postdoctoral Fellowship 2021-22 for Young Scientists

ICTP seeks applications for a postdoctoral position starting January 2022 from outstanding young scientists with a strong research record. ICTP is a UNESCO Category 1 research institute supporting science and education in the developing world. ICTP promotes worldwide initiatives for the career development of women in science. The position is in the Information and Communications Technology Section (ICTS) in the area of High-Performance Computing (HPC), with a focus on Cloud Computing Infrastructure (private, public, and hybrid) as well as Cloud Identity and Access Management for scientific use and application of Cloud Computing including Artificial Intelligence. The HPC team is expected to provide training on Scientific Cloud Computing and related topics as well as support ICTP researchers in the use of Cloud Computing tools, applications, and platforms for Scientific Research.

The ICTS, in collaboration with ICTP’s scientific sections, provides a vibrant international research environment with an intense program of workshops, conferences, close collaborations with local and international scientific institutions. Postdoctoral fellows are also encouraged and supported, to participate in activities in developing countries in order to promote ICTP’s mission.

Applications and expressions of interest are welcome. Applications should include a cover letter, an updated CV including the full list of publications, a statement of research interests, and two or more letters of recommendation. Candidates should apply through the ICTP online application system

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