Annals of Statistical Data

ISSN: Application under review

Annals of Statistical Data
Home For Author Submission Guidelines

Submission Guidelines

Annals of Statistical Data is pioneer of quality and authentic data research publication. We truly consider the copyright guidelines, COPE guidelines and protects author’s rights.

The original manuscripts should be uploaded with all the details through Submit Manuscript form. After approval from Editor, the manuscript is forwarded to reviewers on the basis of articles topic. The reviewers will give their final decision on the article or acceptance or rejection. They may provide necessary changes and comments on the manuscript before final decision. Once the author satisfies the comments and complies with the changes suggested, decision will be given to communicating author via mail. Authors are requested to pay article processing fees only after acceptance of their article for publication.

Article details:

The author must follow the word limit for the submitted article. The Research article must be 5000 and short communication must be 2000.  Other articles like case report, letter to editor must be under 4000 words. The word limit must not exceed in case, if found exceeding the manuscript will be subjected to rejection.

The author should first download the template through Submit manuscript page. The content must be added to the template and no change is advised in the font style or size. The article should be in double spaced in A4 sized sheets with a 1 inch margin on all sides. The content must be properly written in provided headings and subheading. Any mistake in the format will be considered final and judged accordingly. We follows APA style of referencing, so kindly read the reference thoroughly and write accordingly.

Title Page

Title Page should be first downloaded from the Submit manuscript page. It must include the type of article and title of article to be submitted. The name and institutional addresses of the all authors and co-authors with e-mail ID and phone numbers should be mentioned properly. Signature/ e-signature of corresponding author is mandatory. Any article without signature will be considered faulty and may be subjected to rejection with review. Upload the duly filled title page along with article and other documents on submission page.

Cover letter

Cover letter should be first downloaded from the Submit manuscript page. It must include the title of article to be submitted. The author needs to mention the reason for the suitability of their article to be published in ASD. Signature/ e-signature of corresponding author are mandatory. Any article without signature will be considered faulty and may be subjected to rejection with review. Upload the duly filled cover letter along with article and other documents on submission page.

Contributors form

Contributors form should be first downloaded from the Submit manuscript page. It must include the title of article to be submitted with type of article. The Signature/ e-signature of all the authors are mandatory. Any article without signature will be considered faulty and may be subjected to rejection with review. Upload the duly filled cover letter along with article and other documents on submission page.

Research articles

Research articles should include some novel work and must be restricted up to 6000 words only. The submitted article for publication must provide significant results with no prior publication at any other journal. The article should comply the word limit and must not be plagiarized.

Short Communication

The journal publishes exciting findings, preliminary data or studies that are important for its speedy communication. These have the same format requirements as full papers but are restricted to only 3000 words. It preferably should have only 3-4 illustrations.

The format for article:

  • Abstract
    Abstract should be short summary of the article. It must not exceed 700 words. The importance and result should be written precisely and crisp. The keywords must be mentioned at the end of the abstract. No references should be cited in the abstract.
  • Keywords
    Immediately after the abstract, provide a maximum of 6 keywords, using standard British/American English. The keywords must have appropriate reference with the topic and arranged alphabetically. Avoid general, plural terms and multiple concepts.
  • Introduction
    Introduction should define the background, significance of the study. It must have relativity with the study with relevant literature. The citation should be done numerically with box brackets [] within the text. The data or information mentioned should be of recent time and authentic.
  • Materials and methods:
    The section must include research design, subjects, materials used, and statistical methods used. Each point must be mentioned with proper clarity and under respective subheading. This part should provide all the details and data without any manipulation.
  • Results and Discussion:
    All results based on methods must be included. If possible represent the data in tables or graphs with proper labelling. The data must be clear and all the details must be included. The discussion should be based on the on the results obtained during the investigation. It should include comparative statement with earlier preformed similar works with citation.
  • Conclusion
    This section such summarise the major findings of the study and their usefulness.
  • Acknowledgements
    If necessary, a brief acknowledgements section may be included.
  • Conflict of interest
    Any conflict of interest statement(s), disclosure(s), and/or financial support information, including donations.
  • References
    References should appear on a separate page. The references should be cited at the end of the manuscript in the order of their appearance in the text. For citation of references with more than six authors, only the first author’s name followed by et al. should be used.

References of journal articles, books, chapters in book etc. should be cited as follows:

Journal articles:
Last name of authors followed by first name initials year of publication in brackets, title of research, comma, journal name in italics; volume in bold and issue in bold, italics: page numbers.
Gruber PA, Rubinstein A, Bass VHK, Robinson JR (1987), Gastric emptying of non-digestible solids in the fasted dog, J. Pharm. Sci; 76 (1): 117-122

Book reference:
Author/s last name followed by first name initials, year of publication, chapter name, title of the book in italics: edition of book in bold, publisher name with location of the publisher: page no.


George M., 1998, The window and eyes, The last train: Vol. 2, Worlstree publication, New york: 115-268.  

When citing a website, the basic structure is as follows:
Author surname, initial(s). (Year, month day). Title. Retrieved from URL.
Ries J. (2020, May 21). CDC Gives New Recommendations to Safely Reopen Amid COVID-19. Retrieved from

  • Tables
    Each table should be given on a separate page. Each table should have a short, descriptive title and numbered in the order cited in the text. Only MS word table format should be used for preparing tables.
    • Figures
      Graphs and bar graphs should preferably be prepared using Microsoft excel and submitted as Excel graph pasted on word. Photos or drawings must have a good contrast of dark and light. Legends of figures should be brief, but complete and self explanatory.
    • Abbreviations
      Define abbreviations that are not standard in this field in a footnote to be placed on the first page of the article. Such abbreviations that are unavoidable in the abstract must be defined at their first mention there, as well as in the footnote. Ensure consistency of abbreviations throughout the article.