AYUSH Records

ISSN: Application under review

AYUSH Records
Home About Us Aim & Scope

Aim & Scope

AYUSH Records is an international research journal published biannually. It aims to capture the latest outstanding development in key thrust areas of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturapathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy.

Researchers can submit their findings in the form of research paper, review paper, short communication and case studies.

Scope of the journal is diverse to cover all important topics. The key thrust areas of this journal are, but are not limited to the Traditional medicines, Holistic wellness, Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, Homeopathy, Ethnobotany, Phytochemistry, Drug Standardization, Quality control, Good Laboratory Practices (GLP), Pharmacology, Preclinical research, Clinical research, Good Clinical Practices (GCP), Pharmacovigilance. Studies on Literary, Basic and Fundamental research, Preventive and Promotive Healthcare, Local Health Traditions, etc.